Caravan site licences

Fit and proper persons register

Fit and proper person

Under the Mobile Homes Regulations 2020 ( unless a site is exempt, then the site owner must either be a fit and proper person to lawfully operate a site or have a fit and proper site manager in place.

What must a site owner do?

Site owners operating a relevant protected site must apply to Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council (HBBC) for the relevant person (themselves or their appointed manager) to be included in the local register of fit and proper persons to manage a site.
If a manager is put forward as the fit and proper person to operate the site, they must have sufficient control and authority to make decisions in relation to the site.

Exempt sites

A site is exempt if it's 'a non-commercial family occupied site'. This is where the site is:

  • Only occupied by members of the same family
  • Not being run on a commercial basis

What we will take in consideration

To be satisfied that the relevant person is a fit and proper person to manage the site and to add them to the register, HBBC will consider:

  • Past compliance with the site licence
  • The long term maintenance of the site
  • Whether the relevant person has sufficient level of competence to manage the site
  • The management structure and funding arrangements for the site or proposed management structure and funding arrangements

We will also consider whether the relevant person:

  • Has the right to work within the UK
  • Has committed any offence involving fraud or other dishonesty, violence, arson or drugs or listed in Schedule 3 to the Sexual Offences Act 2003 (offences attracting notification requirements)
  • Has contravened any provision of the law relating to housing, caravan sites, mobile homes, public health, planning or environmental health or of landlord and tenant law
  • Has contravened any provision of the Equality Act 2010 in, or in connection with, the carrying on of any business
  • Has harassed any person in, or in connection with, the carrying on of any business
  • Has had an application rejected by any other local authority
  • Is, or has been within the past 10 years, personally insolvent
  • Is, or has been within the last 10 years, disqualified from acting as a company director

We may also consider the conduct of any person associated, or formerly associated, with the relevant person (whether on a personal, work or other basis), if it appears that person’s conduct is relevant. We can consider any evidence on any other relevant matters.

How to apply

For more information on how to apply to be included on the register: Contact Environmental Health

How to view the public register

Fit and proper persons public register

Last updated:‎ ‎22‎/‎05‎/‎2024‎ ‎15‎:‎42‎