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Core strategy

The consultation process

Issues and options

The production of the Core Strategy included consultation with the local community and key stakeholders on the issues facing the borough.

A wide range of comments were received on the Local Plan 2006 - 2026 (formerly Local Development Framework (LDF)) issues papers during public consultation exercises:

  • 'A Vision for Our Future' in November 2003 to December 2003 
  • 'The Shape of Things to Come' during the summer of 2005

In addition, consultation on the Core Strategy and the borough's community strategy was carried out in July/August 2006. This joint consultation on the Core Strategy and the Community Plan was important to ensure the themes in both documents were consistent and that the Core Strategy was able to deliver the aspirations of the Community Plan. Targeted consultation was undertaken with black and ethnic minority groups during this time.

In November 2006 a rural forum was also held, investigating in further detail the issues faced by our rural communities, and possible solutions. The findings from this forum fed into the Core Strategy Preferred Options document.

Preferred Options

Consultation on the Core Strategy Preferred Options document was held in September/October 2007. As part of this consultation, hard to reach groups (people with mental disabilities, people with physical disabilities and people from the Polish community) were specifically engaged to ensure their views were heard. Consultation showed there was overall support for the preferred options set out in the Core Strategy.

Proposed submission

Public consultation on the Proposed Submission Core Strategy and corresponding Sustainability Appraisal took place over a period of six weeks from Friday 31 October 2008 through to Friday 12 December 2008.

In response to representations received on the Proposed Submission Core Strategy, a schedule of proposed changes was submitted to the Secretary of State and an additional six weeks consultation period was held to allow comments on these proposed changes between Monday 23 February 2009 and Friday 3 April 2009.


During the Examination in Public of the submitted Core Strategy in May 2009, the inspector requested additional consultation to be undertaken on Policy 15: Affordable Housing. This consultation took place between Monday 3 August 2009 and Monday 14 September 2009. This revised policy set out the council's approach to delivering affordable housing through development.

Last updated: ‎14/02/2025 11:22