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Earl Shilton and Barwell area action plan

Overview of the area action plan

The purpose of the Earl Shilton and Barwell Area Action Plan (AAP) Development Plan Document (DPD) is to set out the strategy for future development across the two settlements.

The AAP allocates land for housing, employment, retail, recreation, open space and community facilities within two sustainable urban extensions north-west of Barwell and south-east of Earl Shilton. It also contains policies which relate to proposals that require site-specific conditions such as design guidance, conservation and protection of open spaces and further policies, which will be used in the day-to-day assessment of planning applications across the entire settlements.

Adoption of the document by Council

Following the examination of the document by the Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State, the Earl Shilton and Barwell Area Action Plan was formally adopted by Council on 23 September 2014.

The following documents relating to the adoption of the document are available to view:

Masterplan consultation

Public consultation events on the masterplan, prepared to inform the Area Action Plan (AAP) process, were held in Barwell on 8 and 9 October 2010 and in Earl Shilton on 15 and 16 October 2010.

The presentation boards displayed at these events can be requested from the Planning Policy Team.

Prior to this, public consultation took place in December 2009 and stakeholder workshops were held in March 2010. These events related to the masterplan option documents for the Earl Shilton and Barwell sustainable urban extensions and the settlement centre improvement schemes.

The masterplan background documents can be requested from the Planning Policy Team. These include: 

  • Consultation summary 
  • Site analysis and contextual appraisal 
  • Public realm improvement study 
  • Sustainability assessment – stage 1
  • Sustainability assessment – stage 2

Preferred options consultation

The preferred options consultation took place between Friday 7 January 2011 and Friday 18 February 2011.

This consultation period provided an opportunity to support or object to any of the proposals detailed in the document.

Public exhibitions were also held on 7 and 8 January 2011 at Earl Shilton Methodist Church and on 14 and 15 January 2011 at Barwell Parish Council offices.

Exhibition boards (PDF) displayed during the public consultation events can be viewed by request from the Planning Policy Team.

The preferred options documents can also be viewed by request from the Planning Policy Team. These include:

  • Area Action Plan sustainability appraisal 
  • Proposal matters 
  • Statement of fact 
  • Consultation statement (PDF)

The responses received by the council during this consultation can be viewed by request from the Planning Policy Team. The comments received were considered in the preparation of the pre-submission version of the Area Action Plan (AAP).

Last updated: ‎30/01/2025 12:14