Renewable energy capacity study


Wind turbine in field

The Renewable Energy Capacity Study (PDF) examines the potential for the deployment of renewable energy and low carbon technologies within the borough. It focuses on renewable electricity and heat technologies, including both commercial scale renewables and micro generation (including on-site and building-integrated renewables) and district heating.

The key objectives of the study are to:

  • Assess the technical and deployable potential for renewable and low carbon energy within the borough
  • Identify and map key opportunity areas for renewable and low carbon developments
  • Develop a realistic, borough-specific renewable energy generation target
  • Provide guidance on how to incorporate the findings into a development management policy on renewable energy developments
  • Provide guidance on a framework to monitor the uptake of large and small-scale renewable and low carbon developments within the borough

In addition, the study provides a wind energy landscape sensitivity assessment which provides an indication on the sensitivity of the borough's different landscape areas to small, medium and large scale wind turbines.

The study will form evidence that the council will use to inform its upcoming local plan documents and decision making on planning applications.

Last updated: ‎09/02/2024 14:07