How to apply for a club premises certificate

Licence summary

Under the Licensing Act 2003, different laws apply to volunteer and social clubs than to commercially run premises selling directly to the public. Clubs which meet specified criteria, set out in the 2003 Act, are known as 'qualifying clubs'.

These clubs require a 'club premises certificate' issued by us in order to supply alcohol and conduct other 'qualifying club activities' from their premises. A club may only apply for a club premises certificate in respect of premises which are occupied by and used for the purpose of a club.

There are different application requirements depending on individual circumstances. In view of this, it is advisable to contact Licensing for a copy of the updated club premises certificate guidance booklet and the appendix before you apply.

General conditions for qualifying clubs

A qualifying club has general conditions it must satisfy. These are:

  • A person may not be given membership or be a candidate for membership privileges without an interval of at least two days from their membership application or nomination and their membership being granted
  • That club rules state that those becoming members without nomination or application cannot have membership privileges for at least two days between them becoming members and being admitted to the club
  • That the club is established and conducted in good faith
  • That the club has at least 25 members
  • That alcohol is only supplied to members on the premises on behalf of or by the club

Change of club name/club rules

If you change the name of the club or the rules of the club, you should notify us in writing. A fee of £10.50 is payable.

Events for non-members

Non-members wishing to hire the club premises for an event must apply for a temporary event notice

Last updated: ‎12‎/‎06‎/‎2024‎ ‎11‎:‎37‎