How to apply for a personal licence

Fees and how to apply

The fee for a personal licence application is £37. 

This is not refundable if the application is withdrawn or is unsuccessful.

Before you apply

There are different application requirements depending on individual circumstances. In view of this, it is important that before you apply for a personal licence you read:

Applying online

You can apply online for a personal licence.

Apply for a personal licence

Alternatively, we can send you an application form. Contact Licensing

Checklist of what you need to provide with your application

Please complete the application form in full and ensure that all the items on the checklist are provided.

The following original documents are required when applying for a personal licence:

  • Your licensing qualification certificate - This will prove that you have an accredited licensing qualification (GOV.UK) such as the British Institute of Innkeeping Awarding Body (BIIAB) Level 2 National Certificate for Personal Licence Holders or EDI Level 2 National Certificate for Personal Licence Holders
  • Basic Disclosure - this is a criminal conviction search carried out on the police national computer by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). It can take two to three weeks for a disclosure search to be returned. Apply online for a basic disclosure (GOV.UK) or call 0300 020 0190. (Note: The disclosure certificate you give us with your application must be no older than one month from its issue date when you apply)
  • Two passport size photographs - one of the photographs must be endorsed as a true likeliness of the applicant by a solicitor or notary, a person of standing in the community or an individual with a professional qualification. Read the list of professions that can provide a countersignature on a personal licence photograph. Please note that your photo cannot be countersigned by a relative, spouse or partner
  • Disclosure of convictions and declaration - any relevant convictions or foreign offences, as detailed in Schedule 4 and Section 113 of the Licensing Act 2003, must be declared on this form. More information: Licensing Act 2003 (
  • Proof that you have a right to work in the United Kingdom - You will need either your biometric residence permit number, your biometric residence card number or your passport/national identity card: Prove your right to work to an employer (GOV.UK)

Send your original documents to the address below and they will be returned to you when your licence is issued.

Last updated: ‎08‎/‎05‎/‎2024‎ ‎11‎:‎29‎