Premises licence - change of circumstance

Transfer and variation of a premises licence

This will often arise when a business involving licensable activities is sold to a new owner. A transfer of the licence only changes the identity of the holder of the licence and does not alter the licence in any other way. Notice of this application has to be given to both the Chief Officer of Police, the Home Office and the council. The new licence holder will also have to provide a document proving their right to work in the UK

Selling your business or leaving the premises

As the premises licence holder, you are still responsible for any licensable activities that occur at the premises, as well as being liable for the annual licence fee, unless the premises licence is transferred out of your name or you surrender it, even if you have left the premises.

You should make sure that the new occupiers apply to transfer the premises licence into their name. If you are concerned that a transfer application may not be made or if the new owners do not need the licence, you should surrender the licence. You can do this by informing the Licensing Team in writing and enclosing your premises licence and the summary.

How long does a transfer take?

In the vast majority of cases, transfers will be a simple administrative process and will be deemed granted with immediate effect on the making of an application, until it is formally determined. This is to ensure there is no interruption to normal business at the premises.

What else would I need to do?

In some cases where alcohol is sold, it may also become necessary with the change of ownership to also change the designated premises supervisor (DPS) by obtaining a variation of DPS

Please note that a copy of any application must also be sent to the Chief of Police at the address given on the application form.

Last updated: ‎12‎/‎06‎/‎2024‎ ‎11‎:‎44‎:‎56