News, service updates and consultation mailing lists

Service privacy notice - mailing list options (my account)

When you create an online account (my account), you can sign up to the following mailing lists:

  • News, press, events and emergency info
  • Consultation
  • Bins
  • Community groups and support
  • Jobs and careers
  • Business support and news
  • Climate change
  • News for tenants - Housing Hub
  • Planning news

We may also contact you by email to give you the option to sign up to a mailing list, and you have the option to sign up to these mailing lists from the home page of this website.

The information we collect when you sign up, includes your name, email address, address and telephone number.

We collect this information to ensure we can send the email updates you have chosen to receive. We use a third party provider, Mailchimp, to deliver our email updates.

We are allowed to use your information because you have given us consent to process your information for this specific purpose. You may withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing from this list. An unsubscribe link will be available at the bottom of every email we send through Mailchimp.

This information will not be shared with anyone else as it serves no other purpose than to contact you with email updates.
We will only share the data with third parties if we are required by law to do so. We will not sell your data or use it for marketing purposes without your consent. We will keep your personal data for as long as required to do so under relevant legislation or in accordance with our operational requirements.

You have the rights to access the data we process about you under the Data Protection Act 2018; and you should contact the council to exercise this right. You also have the right to ask for your data to be erased, restricted or made portable in certain circumstances.

Please note that not all of these rights apply to all processing. Your information will be processed in accordance with current data protection legislation. Please complete our information governance contact form or telephone the information Governance Officer on 0116 2727558 should you have any questions regarding your rights or records retention.

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number.

Last updated: 12/02/2025 09:06