Online services unavailable

Due to annual billing, business rates online services will be unavailable 17 to 24 February. Council tax and benefits online services will be unavailable 20 to 24 February. Sorry for any inconvenience

My area

Used my area before?

Just enter your street name or your postcode in the location search box below, select your street and click on search. You will then be able to find services and facilities which are near to or relevant to your location.

If you do not know a postcode and want to use the map, please enter the postcode for Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council: Hinckley Hub, Rugby Road, Hinckley LE10 0FR.

Find services and facilities run by:

  • The council: for example local planning applications, schools and car parks
  • By organisations in the community: for example post offices and railway stations
  • By the NHS: for example doctors' surgeries, dentists and hospitals

We also publish local boundaries: for example the borough boundary, wards and conservation areas.

How to use my area

Follow the link in this page to set your location. Then, enter your street or your postcode in the search box, press return and select your full address. You will then automatically see your bin day, your councillor(s) and other key information.

You can also change your location at any time. You can also clear your location so that no location is set.

With your location set, simply choose a topic

We have grouped topics together. For example, to find your nearest dentist, select 'Health' from the menu. You will then be able to click on 'Dentists' to view dentists near to you on the map.

You can only view one topic at a time. To view a different topic, just make a new selection.

When you've chosen a topic

map markerClick on a map marker to get further information such as the address, contact details and opening hours.

View information as text

We have also made this information accessible to you as text underneath the map. More about accessibility

Not sure which map marker to click on to select a service or facility? (Perhaps a lot of markers are close together on the map.) Go to the text below the map, choose a service or facility and click on its link. This will display that service or facility on the map.

Data we store about you

We only store data relating to your location such as your postcode, your street name and your town. This lets us tailor information relevant to your location, so that next time you visit you won't have to add your address/post code again. We use cookies to store this data. Find out more about how we use cookies.