Fact sheet - Mayor Dawn Glenville

The following fact sheet has been issued to coincide with the election of Councillor DAWN GLENVILLE as Mayor of the Borough for 2022 to 23 at the Council's annual meeting on Tuesday 17 May.
Name: Dawn Glenville
Ward: Burbage St Catherine’s & Lash Hill
Length of service: First elected to the Borough Council in May 2019.
Family: Councillor Glenville is married to fellow councillor Barry Walker. The couple moved to Burbage in 1988.
Work: After retiring as a professional singer, Councillor Glenville now works in a jewellery store in Hinckley’s Castle Street.
Charities: Councillor Glenville will be raising funds for Age Concern and Air Ambulance.
Minister: The Mayor’s Chaplain will be Reverend Andrew Hall, Rector of Burbage St Catherine’s Church.
Outside Interests: In her spare time Councillor Glenville enjoys walking, cycling and golf – she was Ladies Club Champion in 2012.
Mayor’s Consort: The Mayor’s Consort is her husband, Councillor Barry Walker.
Deputy Mayor: The Deputy Mayor is Councillor Scott Gibbens.
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