Bins to be collected from 6am due to heatwave

Householders across Hinckley and Bosworth are being asked to put their rubbish and recycling out by 6am from Wednesday morning (10 August) onwards to help collection crews during the heatwave.
The Met Office has said there is a 90% probability of a Heat Health Alert Level-3 being announced across the East Midlands this week with temperatures expected to be into the low 30s Celsius from Wednesday to over the weekend.
As a result, recycling and waste crews will be starting collections from 6am to make the most of the cooler conditions earlier in the day, so residents are asked to put their bins - rubbish, recycling and garden waste - out by 6am on collection days. Residents may find it is more convenient to put bins out for collection the night before, if they don't already do so, to ensure they are not missed.
Crews all have sun cream, sun hats and water to help protect themselves from the heat.
Executive Member for Street Scene Services at the Borough Council, Councillor Bill Crooks, said:
Our crews do a fantastic job, it’s challenging working outside in extreme weather conditions. Over this extremely hot period please do think about the crew and help them where possible by putting your bins out the night before or by 6am at the latest and letting your friends and neighbours know about the earlier collection time. During the heat wave last month lots of residents kindly offered cold drinks to the crews to help them to keep cool, so we know how much people like to help out if they can.
If your bin is not emptied, you have up to 24 hours to report your missed bin to us online.
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