Sheltered housing tenants raise funds for Blood Bikes

Residents in a Hinckley-based sheltered housing scheme have pulled together to raise money for a charity whose volunteers transport blood, blood products and medical equipment.
The tenants in Armada Court hosted the fundraiser in aid of Leicestershire and Rutland Blood Bikes after resident Marie McCann saw a leaflet in a local bank.
With help from donations from tenants and their families, as well as a raffle and food, along with a performance from local singer Debbie Lacey, the fundraiser raised more than £1,176 for the cause.
Armada Court is a council owned and managed independent living sheltered housing scheme in Hinckley, with 68 flats and a supportive community who have the help and support of staff on-site.
The fundraiser was held on Wednesday 1 February, with the support of the scheme manager Charlotte Hall and staff from other sheltered housing schemes in the borough, Emma Woods, Jennifer Gardner and Jane Kirk.
Local shops such as Morrisons, Sainsbury's, The Perfume Shop, SG Cleaners & local charity D&H Community also supported the fundraiser with donations.
Armada Court Scheme Manager Charlotte Hall said:
We were very grateful to have been able to have Jim, who lives locally and drives the Blood Bikes car, and Ian Birnie, who came along on one of the Blood Bikes to speak with the tenants and explain a little of what they do.
After an amazing afternoon and getting to know the Blood Bike volunteers, we had a chance to count up what was raised, and the grand total was an amazing £1176.54p. A massive achievement - the tenants are immensely proud of what they managed to raise in just a few weeks.
The tenants here at Armada Court have been amazing and so very supportive of this charity and I feel very proud to say I work with them on a daily basis.
Executive Member for Housing and Community Safety, Councillor Michael Mullaney said:
It's brilliant to see local tenants in Hinckley and Bosworth getting together to help such a great cause. For the tenants of Armada Court to have raised over a £1,000 is a great achievement. I thank them for all they have done.
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