Open space and recreational facilities survey
About the survey
This study will update and replace the current Open Space and Recreational Facilities Study (2016) and assesses open spaces within the borough. The survey will inform the new study which will include an assessment of quality, quantity and accessibility.
What's it all about
We are asking residents, businesses and interested parties for their opinions on public open space in the borough.
Public open space provides opportunities for sport and recreation, socialising, tourism and wildlife, making an important contribution to the health and well-being of communities, ecosystems and economies. The borough of Hinckley and Bosworth has a variety of public open spaces from Langdale Road allotments, to small local play areas and the larger parks such as Queen's Park.
However, up-to-date information is needed in order to ensure that there is adequate provision of accessible, high-quality open spaces that meet the needs and aspirations of local communities, local people and people who work in or visit the borough.
Formal sport provisions such as tennis and football clubs are not included as part of this survey. These are covered as part of a different, sports-focused, study.
Have your say:
Please let us have your views by 26 July 2024. This will provide valuable information that we will use to inform both the new Local Plan and investment decisions, as part of an up-to-date strategy for public open spaces.
Note that the questions within this survey relate to open spaces in the borough of Hinckley and Bosworth only, not outside our administrative area.
Last updated: 01/07/2024 17:56