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Regulation 18 Consultation 2024
Background on the Local Plan review
What is a Local Plan?
The Local Plan is the key planning document for the borough and sets out the vision and objectives for the future form, scale and quality of development of an area. It addresses the identified needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, regeneration, community facilities and infrastructure through the implementation of planning policies and proposals. The Local Plan must also consider how to safeguard the environment, adapt in line with the vital climate change agenda, and secure high-quality design. The Local Plan is an essential tool for guiding decisions on individual planning applications but will also set an overall strategy for how to meet the challenge of delivering the new homes required by the government.
What is the Hinckley & Bosworth Local Plan?
The current Local Plan for Hinckley and Bosworth 2006 to 2026 is made up of the following documents:
- Core Strategy 2009
- Hinckley Town Centre Area Action Plan (HTC AAP) 2011
- Earl Shilton and Barwell Area Action Plan (ESB APP) 2014
- Site Allocations and Development Management Policies 2016
For more information on the Local Plan, visit Local Plan 2006 to 2026
Other documents in the development plan also include:
The Local Plan documents now require reviewing and updating. The Local Plan Review looks forward and covers the period 2020 to 2041. It will also now be a single document, encompassing and replacing the previous Core Strategy and Site Allocations and Development Management Policies development plan documents. The Earl Shilton and Barwell AAP will be retained.
Made neighbourhood plans and the Minerals and Waste Local Plan prepared by Leicestershire County Council will remain separate.
How has the Local Plan been reviewed so far?
The Local Plan has been prepared in the context of the following:
- Legislation relating to planning, sustainability, transport, environment, infrastructure, climate change, health and equality
- National planning policy and guidance, set out in particular in the National Planning Policy Framework and the National Planning Practice Guidance
- Evidence studies prepared to inform the preparation of the Local Plan
- The Borough Council’s Corporate Plan 2024 to 2028
- The Borough Council’s Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy 2024 to 2028
- Other relevant strategies
- Made and emerging neighbourhood plans in the borough
- Ongoing preparation of Sustainability Appraisal (SA), Habitat Regulation Assessment, Equality Impact Assessment and Health Impact Assessment. Given the changes in context, the scoping for the SA has been repeated. The preparation of a SA is an iterative process; the outputs will inform and shape the Local Plan over time
The plan has also been developed through ongoing engagement with the adjacent planning authorities on strategic cross-boundary matters, the public, landowners and other key stakeholders such as parish councils, infrastructure providers, interest groups and the development industry. As well as this draft plan, ongoing and proactive stakeholder engagement has included public consultation on the following documents:
- Scope, Issues and Options Consultation 2018
- New Directions for Growth Consultation 2019
- Draft Local Plan Consultation 2021; and
- Regulation 19 Pre-Submission Consultation 2022
A further Regulation 18 consultation was considered necessary as emerging evidence was suggesting that the previous spatial strategy consulted on to date may not be deliverable. In addition, changes to national planning policy have taken place that needed to be taken into account and the discussions around Leicester City Council’s unmet housing and employment need have now been finalised. This current version of the draft Local Plan reflects these latest circumstances and will set out the proposed strategy as well as a range of planning policies to help shape and create the opportunities to meet economic and housing needs to the period 2041.
How can I access the Regulation 18 Consultation?
The Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation is now closed (31 July to 27 September 2024). You can access and read about this consultation by proceeding to the next section, however you can no longer respond: How you got involved
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Last updated: 04/10/2024 10:40