Senior management structure
Structure of the organisation with contact details
Chief Executive
(Head of Paid Service)
Bill Cullen
(E.A. Jo McLaren 01455 255737)
Director (Community & Development Services)
Sharon Stacey
(E.A. Donna Hamlett 01455 255934)
Community Services and Safeguarding Manager
Rachel Burgess
01455 265400
Head of Housing and Environmental Services
Madeline Shellard
01455 255580
Cultural Services Manager
Simon Jones
01455 255699
Head of Planning
Chris Brown
01455 255970
Environmental Services Manager
Rosemary Leach
01455 255923
Director (Corporate & Streetscene Services)
Julie Kenny
[and Monitoring Officer]
(E.A. Sonia Timmington 01455 255676)
Head of Leics Revs and Bens Partnership (HBBC, NWLDC, HDC)
Sally O'Hanlon
01455 638150
HR and Interim Legal Manager
Julie Stay
01455 255688
Communications Manager
Jacqueline Puffett
01455 255630
Head of Street Scene Services
Caroline Roffey
01455 255782
Democratic Services Manager
Rebecca Owen
01455 255879
Strategic Head of ICT Shared Service, Leicestershire ICT Partnership
John Palmer
01455 255900
Head of Finance [Sec 151 Officer]
Ashley Wilson
01455 255609
Estates and Assets Manager
Malcolm Evans
01455 255614
Contact us
- Contact form
- Tel. 01455 238141