Conservation areas

A conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance (Section 69 of The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990).
Conservation area designation recognises the unique quality of an area as a whole. It is not just the contribution of individual buildings and structures, but also that of features such as topography, layout of roads, pathways, street furniture, open spaces and hard and soft landscaping which assist in defining the character and appearance of an area.
Conservation areas identify the familiar and cherished local scene that creates a sense of place, community, distinctiveness and environment. Research has found that people value living in conservation areas, with properties located within them often having higher prices and greater price appreciation. Most people welcome the fact that their property is in a conservation area, and very often the reason they have chosen to live in such an area is because of its unique character and history.
There are currently 28 conservation areas in the borough. To establish whether you live in a conservation area, view conservation areas in the borough or view conservation areas on a map.
Conservation areas are given special protection within planning law to ensure that the character of the area is preserved or enhanced. Their character may be affected by direct physical change or by changes within their setting, therefore additional planning controls exist to protect buildings, features and trees from adverse change. For more information view carrying out works in a conservation area.
For further information covering all aspects of conservation areas in the borough view Conservation areas guidance and frequently asked questions
Last updated: 03/01/2025 11:56